© 2024 Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church
Website Designed and Created by Robert Skwiat
We have a rich tradition of musical excellence; the splendid acoustics of the sanctuary, the impressive pipe organ, and the commitment of the congregation to our music ministry makes CAPC an exciting place to worship! A diversity of musical styles in both instrumental and vocal music serves and honors the diversity in our community. Glorious hymns, choral anthems and organ music enrich every service and are often enhanced by guest musicians and handbells.
Our annual Lessons and Carols service on the last Sunday in Advent, our Good Friday Tenebrae service and our Easter morning service with brass and timpani are the highlights of our musical year, but every Sunday is “special.”
Our CHANCEL CHOIR, a mixed group of paid and volunteer adult and older youth who are members and friends of the congregation, sings at services during the program year.
Rehearsals are held every Sunday at 9:30 am and directly following the 10:30 service. New members are always welcome. Please introduce yourself to Dr. +William (Bill) Entriken, our Interim Director of Music, if you are interested in singing with us.
Our SUMMER CHOIR meets at 9:45 before Sundays in summer to rehearse a simple hymn or anthem to sing in that day’s service. No regular commitment (or robe) is required – just join us anytime you are able to experience the joy of singing with others!
The new four - manual pipe organ was installed in CAPC's large neo-gothic sanctuary in 2002. Designed and built by master builder Gilbert Adams, this magnificent instrument is French in conception. It is, first and foremost, an ensemble instrument, blending the tonal concepts of Aristide Cavaille-Coll' 's romantic organ with the French classic tradition of Françios-Henri Cliquot. It serves to accompany choirs, to inspire congregational singing, and to perform the vast majority of organ repertoire. The organ&pos;s tonal resources enhance both the church's music ministry and outreach.