In its mission to serve the community, Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church proudly hosts Valarie’s Soup Kitchen three Tuesdays each month, nourishing bodies and souls by providing food, clothing and personal items to our guests.
Serving the Plainfield Community
Many individuals and families in Plainfield are experiencing food insecurity but thanks to the generosity of the Keyes Foundation, other generous donors and the work of Chef Kevin and dedicated volunteers, fewer are hungry and hope is found here once again.
Each Tuesday (except the first Tuesday of each month) a full “take out” lunch is served beginning at 11:30. Meals typically include a hot main course, soup or salad, a side vegetable, fruit, a beverage and dessert. When available, bulk food items such as bread, cereal, etc. are distributed as well.
Volunteers gather at 9 a.m. to begin preparations and ensure all is ready for the lunch guests.
In addition to food, the Soup Kitchen Program offers clothing and personal hygiene items.
Valarie’s Soup Kitchen receives generous donations of food items from Costco, the Food Bank of NJ, Stop and Shop and various other organizations and businesses. Based on what is donated, Chef Kevin uses his wonderful culinary skills and imagination to create a nourishing and tasty menu each week. Additionally, CAPC serves as a clearinghouse for overflow of foods, coordinating distribution to other local food programs.
The “Outlet Table” provides needed items such as clothing, household items, sleeping bags, toiletries, coats and much more.
Ministry does not get any more real than this. Serving those who are hungry with dignity and respect, opening the doors to the community and reaching out with compassion and in service fulfills the Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church’s mission to love and care for one another.